13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109


All information about construction
Developers Adapting to Meet Pro-Formas in a Post-Pandemic World
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Commercial Building, Communication, Construction, COVID-19, Engineering, General Construction, Pro-Formas, Projects, Uncategorized

A successful construction project always requires a solid foundation (both literally and figuratively). One important aspect of the beginning stages of a project is the pro-forma process management must complete, consisting of budgets and timelines that are forecasted in order to ensure the project will be profitable within the client’s model.   However, the course of…

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We’ve Seen it All! 5 Ways Construction Has Changed in the Last 20 Years
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Communication, Construction, General Construction, Uncategorized
The construction industry has seen a change in the way it operates in the past two decades. In an era where technology can be easily accessed on job sites, companies are more efficient and less mistakes are made. While most of the traditional methods of construction remain, modern job sites have embraced change to compete...
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