Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

Importance of Retention Ponds and Waterways

As hurricane season approaches in a flood-prone city like Houston, proper drainage for rain and water in general is vital. Additionally, waterways and spillways help to promote a healthy environment. Structures that are built to hold and retain water ensure that streets aren’t flooded and that cities can function properly. There are many different types of structures that prevent flooding and Jerdon’s team works hard to ensure that major parts of Houston have proper drainage.

Retention Ponds

Retention ponds, such as the one at the center of Hermann Park, are essential for areas of Houston like Downtown that are prone to flooding. While it looks aesthetically pleasing in addition to the iconic Sam Houston statue, it also serves as a vessel to hold excess rainwater and prevent flooding. Additionally, retention ponds are effective in residential areas, as rainwater tends to runoff into streets and walkways. Retention ponds ensure that roads and sidewalks remain clear when there is an excessive amount of rain.

Waterways, Spillways, and Dams

Large amounts of rain generally cause flooding which makes it very difficult to drive on the roads and get around in general. However, waterways, spillways, and dams are structures that are built to curb a little bit of this flooding in a way that is good for the environment.

Flooding can be inconvenient for everyone, but it can be harmful to the environment too, as it often leads to plants drowning and soil being oversaturated. It can also cause major property damage depending on the severity of the flooding. However, structures like dams can hold a large amount of water to prevent some areas from being flooded. Additionally, spillways are structures that prevent dams from spilling over and release water in an effective way.

Waterways are essential to the environment. They are another structure that helps prevent flooding by retaining water. They are efficient because they also allow sediment and soil to travel so that soil doesn’t remain stagnant. This allows soil to remain fertile and healthy.

Our team has worked on projects across Texas and is extremely familiar with the landscape. We build quality structures that help retain water efficiently- especially in large cities like Houston.

Jerdon Enterprise holds the knowledge and expertise needed to complete a successful and quality construction project. Contact us today. If you are interested in viewing some of Jerdon’s past civil engineering projects, click here!