Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.


Whether you live in a large city, small suburb, or tiny town, having access to sidewalks can make a huge difference in your everyday life. Sidewalks add more than an aesthetically pleasing look to an area, but also provide people with safer and cheaper modes of mobility. Walking is one of the many pleasures of life, so adding easily accessible paths to your community can increase both property value and happiness of those who live near.


Safety & Mobility

When you live in a place that is less than pedestrian friendly, it can be hard to get around without the use of a car. When you need to walk to and from work, you may quickly realize just how dangerous walking can be. Sidewalks separate pedestrians from traffic, reducing the risk of accidents and collisions. This separation helps protect vulnerable road workers, pedestrians, children, and individuals with mobility impairments. Sidewalks are also utilized for exercise such as jogging or biking, which brings pleasure to those who may not have access to a gym. Not everyone has the ability to purchase a vehicle, and might not feel it’s necessary when they live near amenities. Despite short or long distances, walking without the use of a designated path can always be a risk. 


Functionality & Connectivity

Sidewalks are a crucial component of urban planning and design. They contribute to the overall aesthetics and functionality of a city or neighborhood, making it more pedestrian-friendly and attractive for residents and visitors. Sidewalks give off a more inviting vibe to those who enjoy being outside. Also, a well-planned network of sidewalks connects various parts of a city or neighborhood. This connectivity encourages walking as a means of transportation and can reduce dependence on cars. It also helps pedestrians access key destinations without the need to drive. A sidewalk can help complete a community in a beautiful way, and can even be what convinces visitors to become residents. 


Sidewalks can be an enormous improvement or addition to any place, as they help bring people together and keep them safe. Jerdon Enterprise holds the knowledge and expertise needed to complete a successful and quality construction project. Contact us today. If you are interested in viewing some of Jerdon’s past civil engineering projects, click here!