Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

Concrete Stains, Dyes and Pigments

Like many other building materials, they can be personalized and change their aesthetics. For concrete, there are many options including stains, dyes and pigments. Here are the in depth details of which option is best for you and your project: 



Most stains establish a different texture, tint and color. But did you know that stains are categorized into film-forming, penetrating and acid stains? Each fulfill the same purpose but are done in different ways. Film-forming is most common and is generally applied to the surface of the concrete like a paint. Over time this will chip and require a new coat. For a more permanent option, penetrating stains are applied to the pores of the concrete, coloring not only the surface layer but deeper layers as well. This creates a barrier that is waterproof and can uphold many weather conditions. Acid stains react to the chemicals in the concrete and can create different effects such as marbling. This is the most expensive option, but gives the most creative freedom. 



Dyes are the quickest way to add a new color to already existing concrete. There are many colors available and they tend to dry very quickly. Certain dyes have different options such as UV protection, color matching and vibrant colors. 



To add color to concrete before it has solidified, pigments are a great option. The powder of the pigment is mixed with the concrete paste to create the desired color. Most pigments contain the chemical synthetic iron oxide. This can either be left in the powder form or can be in liquid form. Both are effective in coloring the concrete. 


Knowing the differences between the color additive options for concrete allows for you to pick the perfect option for you. Jerdon Enterprises is professional and will work diligently to perfect our clients needs and wants when it comes to construction. Feel free to contact us and check out our services