13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109


All information about construction
5 Reasons Parks are Important to the Community
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Parks
In urban areas, parks have many benefits. A park or urban green space is known to boost physiological health, strengthen communities, contribute to a better environment and make a neighborhood look more attractive.  Storm Water Collection Concrete restricts the absorption of rainwater. By implementing green spaces into city plans, cities have a more efficient and...
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What is Sustainable Construction?
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, Green Building, Parks, Uncategorized
Earth has dwindling resources but a growing population. Population growth encourages new construction. Because of this, the construction industry must implement changes to become more sustainable. Sustainable construction involves a holistic way of managing a project, often considering the community and the environment during the construction process. Better Use of Materials Construction companies can encourage...
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