13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109

commercial construction

All information about construction
How to Be an Effective Construction Supervisor
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Communication, Construction, Construction News, Engineering, General Construction

Every construction company contains a construction supervisor, but what makes an effective supervisor? A supervisor must contain certain characteristics and qualities that help aid in construction projects. Here are 10 ways to be an effective construction supervisor:  1. Trust Any relationship, whether it is work related or not, is nothing without trust. Having trust within…

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How to Manage Construction Stress with your Crew
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Communication, Construction, Construction News, Construction Stress, Safety

Most jobs are stressful, but the construction industry can cause an increased amount of internal stress for crews. Due to the physical labor, supply and demand issues, and the short amount of time for projects, construction workers are voicing their concerns when it comes to their stress levels. Not only does stress affect the workers,…

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Builders Risk Insurance
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction News, Engineering, General Construction, Safety

Every construction company should invest in builders risk insurance, or construction insurance. This protects buildings under construction as well as other unfortunate events. Although this insurance can help save your projects, it can become tricky or misunderstood, which is why it is important to thoroughly go through this insurance and make it a part of…

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Evolving Technologies for Construction Companies
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: advancement, Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction News, technology

In the past seven years, construction companies have been growing rapidly due to technology advancements that aid in construction. More companies are adapting and becoming more open to using new technologies in order to create a more efficient workplace. Here are the top evolving technologies for construction companies:   Virtual Reality Specifically for training purposes,…

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Concrete Stains, Dyes and Pigments
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction News, General Construction, Projects, Sidewalks

Like many other building materials, they can be personalized and change their aesthetics. For concrete, there are many options including stains, dyes and pigments. Here are the in depth details of which option is best for you and your project:    Stains Most stains establish a different texture, tint and color. But did you know…

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Why Choose Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: advancement, Civil Engineering, Commercial Building, Construction, Engineering, General Construction, House Renovation, Projects, Safety, Upgrades

Customers are looking for solutions, and the last thing a client wants to hear is “No”. In the long run, this does not impart much confidence nor credibility. Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. has been finding innovative ways to say “Yes!” to our clients, satisfying their needs consistently since 1984. Jerdon holds over 27 years of professional…

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Why Hire a Builder Who Specializes in Commercial Construction?
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Commercial Building, Construction, General Construction, Projects
Why Hire a Builder who Specializes in Commercial Construction? - Jerdon

In large-scale construction, hiring someone with experience is the key to success. Choosing a builder who specializes in the type of construction you need can provide a more efficient and successful construction experience. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a builder who specializes in commercial construction:    Lower Construction Costs When using an…

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How to Avoid Commercial Construction Delays
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Commercial Building, Communication, Construction, General Construction

Commercial construction projects can be very complicated ordeals, requiring detailed planning between clients, contractors, and vendors. It takes careful planning and skills to keep your project on track. Here are a couple of common reasons for commercial construction delays and how you can work to avoid them:   Plan Ahead Especially in commercial construction, planning…

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