13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109

Green Building

All information about construction
Practicing Sustainability in Construction
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Civil Engineering, Construction, Construction News, Engineering, Green Building, Parks, Pedestrian, Projects, Recycling, Roads & Streets, Safety, Sidewalks, Uncategorized

The construction industry accounts for a significant portion of overall CO2 emissions. It is important to practice sustainability in the industry as a whole; from designing with sustainable materials to disposing of waste properly. Using materials that help to minimize energy consumption and reduce waste is a major aspect of sustainable construction. Many raw materials…

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Cement Companies Assist Current Administration’s Emissions Plan by Utilizing Green Hydrogen Carbon Capture
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: advancement, Construction, Construction News, Green Building, Projects, Safety, technology

HeidelbergCement partners with Swansea University researchers in installing and operating a green hydrogen test unit at their construction site in the United Kingdom. The collaboration between the two is a prime example of companies within the construction industry turning to greener alternatives to help reduce emissions.  The project’s goal is to find ways to maintain…

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Congress Concerned About How to Fund Biden Administration Infrastructure Plan
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: advancement, Bridges, Commercial Building, Construction, Engineering, General Construction, Green Building, Parks, Pedestrian, Politics, Projects, Roads & Streets, Safety, Sidewalks, Uncategorized

As a new administration adjusts to their positions within our government, many are asking what their plans are. Particularly, the construction industry is questioning Biden’s infrastructure plan. The “Build Back Better” plan invests $2 trillion over a span of 4 years to complete tasks such as repair roads, bridges, and ports, creating affordable housing, improving…

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How Urban Green Spaces Benefit the Environment
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, General Construction, Green Building, Green Spaces, Parks
Designing green infrastructure into cities offer many environmental advantages. Green spaces, like parks, arboretums and rooftop oases, provide relief from the miles of concrete for people to enjoy, wildlife to inhabit and greenery to flourish. Combats Urban Heat Island Effect The EPA defines urban heat island effect as built up areas that are hotter than...
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The Importance of Retention Ponds
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Engineering, Green Building, Parks, Retention Ponds, Waterways & Dams
The Importance of Retention Ponds
Growing communities need to divert water from rainstorms. With recent historic floods from Hurricane Harvey and Tropical Storm Imelda, protecting developments from water damage is crucial for Houston and surrounding areas. Basins, also known as retention ponds, collect water and release it slowly to prevent flooding and erosion.  The Difference Between Detention and Retention Ponds...
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What is Sustainable Construction?
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, Green Building, Parks, Uncategorized
Earth has dwindling resources but a growing population. Population growth encourages new construction. Because of this, the construction industry must implement changes to become more sustainable. Sustainable construction involves a holistic way of managing a project, often considering the community and the environment during the construction process. Better Use of Materials Construction companies can encourage...
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How to Maintain a Safe Construction Job Site
  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Bridges, Commercial Building, Fountains, General Construction, Green Building, House Renovation, Laminate Flooring, Metal Roofing, Parks, Roads & Streets, Sidewalks, Waterways & Dams
How to Maintain a Safe Construction Job Site - Jerdon Enterprise
Construction is a demanding industry. With as much physical and technical labor as construction requires, workers are at risk of injury on a daily basis – this risk is heightened when workers are running on a deadline. Therefore, it is crucial that safety managers implement precautionary practices to maintain a safe job site. Follow these...
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