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How Urban Green Spaces Benefit the Environment

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How Urban Green Spaces Benefit the Environment

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, General Construction, Green Building, Green Spaces, Parks

Designing green infrastructure into cities offer many environmental advantages. Green spaces, like parks, arboretums and rooftop oases, provide relief from the miles of concrete for people to enjoy, wildlife to inhabit and greenery to flourish.

Combats Urban Heat Island Effect

The EPA defines urban heat island effect as built up areas that are hotter than nearby rural areas. Pavement retains heat, which makes cities significantly warmer than areas with more green space. Areas affected by heat island effect compromise human health with increased energy consumption, pollutants and greenhouse gases. Installing green spaces can lower nearby temperatures by up to five degrees Fahrenheit, providing providing shade and heat relief.

Stores Carbon

Soil absorbs carbon from the air through the carbon cycle. This reduces emissions and aids in battling climate change. Urban green spaces can lower carbon emissions in cities, making the air cleaner and healthier for residents.

Regulates Water

Green infrastructure helps regulate water. For example, green roofs act like a sponge to reduce combined sewage overflow. Soil on a green roof slows the rate at which water moves into the sewer system, providing a natural regulator in the process. When city sewage systems experience overflow, they sometimes release runoff directly into local waterways. Installing green spaces gives water a place to go during seasons of rainfall, ultimately saving ecosystems from sewage overflows.

New York City Green Space Central ParkSaves Money

Adding green areas provides economic value to a city by increasing property value. For example, real estate in New York City is more expensive near Central Park. This is also why lakefront acreage costs more than nearby lots. Cities who invest in green spaces provide an area where residents and visitors want to spend time.

Green Infrastructure is aesthetically pleasing and benefits the environment. Jerdon has had the pleasure of working with multiple cities in Texas to install green spaces over the years. Want to learn more about our company? Visit our website to see more of our projects.

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BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

Author: jerdonlp

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