Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

Pete Buttigieg New Transportation Secretary

The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and Democratic candidate for the presidency Pete Buttigieg was sworn in as Transportation Secretary by the Senate. Following his confirmation, Buttigieg noted the work to be done in the transportation sector and potential overcomings but stated he was optimistic about the future. 


During his campaign for the presidency, Pete Buttigieg addressed a goal to repairing half of the structurally deficient roads and bridges in America by 2030. Other items in the infrastructure plan included an investment of $6 billion into charging stations for electric vehicles and a plan to make the Highway Trust Fund possible. 


With him sworn in, several groups, including the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), are supportive of the Senate’s decision. A representative of ASCE released a statement, “…applauding the Senate’s vote to confirm Pete Buttigieg as the incoming secretary of the Department of Transportation. We are eager to work with Secretary Buttigieg and the DOT to maintain and modernize our nation’s vital infrastructure systems, prioritizing sustainability and climate-resilience. We urge the administration to make investments in our nation’s transportation systems a central component of our nation’s economic recovery and a tool to bring equity to struggling communities.”


The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) also released a statement after Biden’s nomination announcement in support of Buttigieg. “We endorse the nomination of Buttigieg because he not only recognizes that we need to invest in our nation’s infrastructure to boost our economic productivity and global competitiveness, but also because he appreciates that such an investment will enhance the quality of life in both rural and urban communities,” said President Dennis Slater. “Buttigieg has outlined an affirmative vision for transportation infrastructure that prioritizes maintenance of existing assets and supports enhancements grounded in technology, sustainability, and workforce development. With the perspective of a mayor, Buttigieg understands the important role that state and local governments play in providing and maintaining the nation’s infrastructure and how to seek input and build consensus.”


The support from many in the Senate’s decision to swear Pete Buttigieg in roots from his vast experience and leadership from his role as a former mayor. The previous role gave him knowledge in handling transportation issues, requiring consensus and bipartisan resolutions. Buttigieg has also experienced how infrastructure policies and investments impact local communities and quality of life, making it fitting for his new role as it expands from local to national levels.


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