Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

How COVID-19 is Impacting the Construction Industry

The lasting impacts of COVID-19 have left companies constantly adjusting practices and operations to maintain the safety of all employees. This heavily influenced operation procedures for the construction industry to maintain the safety of all employees. Response plans and building timelines have been adjusted to comply with all safety regulations, while teams were revised for building shifts and personal protection equipment (PPE) increased.

One of the main fears companies in the construction industry faced was legislation called the Families First Coronavirus Response Act due to potential impacts on their bottom line. The fear rooted from a provision in the act requiring employer-paid leave for twelve weeks to care for a child whose school shut down and could not find daycare options. The provision applied to companies with less than 500 employees and would eventually be reimbursed for all paid leave costs through quarterly tax credits. 

Due to the pandemic’s effects on a global scale, larger companies based in the United States struggled to adjust without much federal assistance. The only option was to continue all building contracts with heavy safety procedures and expanding building timelines to adjust how many workers could be at the site. 

Most recently, legislation in Boston, Massachusetts impacted contractors by announcing shutdowns for all construction businesses not classified essential. This halted multiple jobs as well as impacted bottom lines for those not considered essential. The legislation was also harmful because the city is in the middle of a massive development phase. The local mandate started to expand to other areas of Massachusetts as well as other states starting to implement construction-specific regulations. 

Over the past couple of months, companies have acquired more PPE to keep employees safe while maintaining promises to customers. Other methods of safety such as smaller group huddles for meetings and on-site performance, as well as hiring cleaning services to clean necessary areas to prevent exposure. All meetings with clients, subcontractors, and other business personnel are conducted via telephone or video conferencing. Some companies have set up systems allowing employees, who can and wished to, work from home as well as monetary reimbursements for upgrades to personal home electronics to accommodate the changes. 

Ten months from the initial impacts of the coronavirus on the construction industry, employment turned from its initial decrease to one of the top five industries providing job opportunities today. 2020 also being an election year, companies also prepare for upcoming legislation and possible shutdowns from the new administration for the upcoming year. Safety plans and responses to possible exposure continue to evolve with the changing environment for the virus, and more companies implement external cleaning services where applicable. 

Jerdon Enterprises, L.P. takes all safety precautions to keep all personnel safe during this time. We have over three decades of engineering and construction experience to provide the best results for your project. View our portfolio to check out projects we’ve been involved in, as well as our services to see what we can do for you. Have a question regarding employment opportunities or to discuss a potential project, contact us today!