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Technology Changing The Construction Industry

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: advancement, Civil Engineering, Commercial Building, Construction, Engineering, technology, Uncategorized, Upgrades

Over the years, technology has offered a variety of industries new advancements resulting in increased productivity, efficiency, and more. With a new decade starting to take place, there are talks of technology innovations within the construction industry defined as real game-changers. Here are a few advancements to look for when considering your next project.

3D Printing

Even though the concept of 3D printing has been known for a while, this technological advancement is swarming the construction industry. It was first adopted by architects since many computer software can create the image, but now adding the sensory aspect of being able to hold and see in 3D the actual plan. Now, construction companies are starting to use 3D printing to implement new ideas and building itself In the housing industry, building homes using 3D printing has made the process faster and cheaper than the traditional method. There are also examples of this technology being used for building bridges and other construction projects. 

Augmented and Virtual Reality 

Simulation technology has been used for many years, especially in governmental and aviation industries. With high success rates, that technology is now being pushed into equipment operation training.

Virtual reality (VR) training increases engagement more than traditional methods, providing more accurate and lifelike preparation while giving users more control. Some methods of learning are also too dangerous to replicate in real life, so VR simulations give trainees chances to practice without any harm (for example, major equipment malfunctions or weather disasters). VR is a great construction technology advancement due to its ability in preventing problems or disasters before the project even begins. 

Augmented reality (AR) gives workers a chance to view layers of plans and data while on site. This is usually done through wearable lenses or a camera-equipped device. All your employee or contractor would have to do is hold the device to the area of investigation to view layers of details needed. This advancement decreases the time it takes to analyze problems while increasing efficiency in repairs or new builds. AR provides the technology to change or view designs in 3D models from 2D plans to determine the best implementation of the project. 

Artificial Intelligence

Many industries and companies have utilized artificial intelligence (AI). Amazon is a prime example, using it to track orders and products coming in and out of warehouses as well as product placement strategy within each warehouse. AI in the construction industry can increase the speed of planning while making operations more efficient. 

One example of its application is through ALICE, an AI assistant created by engineers and designed specifically for the construction industry. It’s rumored the bot can reduce project time and cost by an estimated 15 percent. Given a project’s specifications, ALICE evaluates millions of pieces of data to generate scheduling options, optimizing time, and cost. While the project is in progress, ALICE continuously adapts by accounting issues and noting opportunities when they arise. This provides any project with the assurance it will stay up-to-date as conditions change. 

Software Advancements

Building information modeling (BIM) combines augmented reality (AR) and the internet of things (IoT) to create smart management and workflow planning tools. This software results in increased experience at all stages and is universally adopted. There are regulations in the United States mandating the use of this technology on new buildings and projects. 

Jerdon takes pride in our engineering and construction with the help of technological advancements. Click for more information about our services and to view our portfolio.

Author: jerdonlp

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