13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109

What is the Significance of a Pedestrian Bridge?

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Bridges, Pedestrian
What is the Significance of a Pedestrian Bridge? - Jerdon Enterprise

While they may seem like a single-purpose structure, pedestrian bridges offer much more to the community than a pathway from one point to another.

Below are a few of the benefits that can stem from the addition of a pedestrian bridge:



The most common reason for the use of pedestrian bridges is to keep pedestrians away from the danger of motorized vehicles, creating a separation of space between the two, whether the bridge is next to or above the road. Especially on busy roads or in populated areas where the risk of danger is high, safety is of utmost importance.



Pedestrian bridges provide a walkway over roads, train tracks, or waterways, places that could not otherwise be crossed on foot. If the bridge is raised up, it can also be made handicap accessible with the addition of an elevator or ramp. This increases the level of convenience and allows all to benefit from the crossing point. 



Lastly, pedestrian bridges can serve as a momentous point of entry into a community or campus. The use of sleek designs and materials can create an aesthetic feel and add to the experience. Architecture may be primarily for physical use but also adds an important social factor, setting the tone for the quality of the surrounding environment. 


As you can see, there is more to a pedestrian bridge than initially meets the eye. Jerdon Enterprise is here to add to the safety, convenience, and experience in your city. 


Contact Jerdon Enterprise today to discuss your pedestrian bridge or other construction needs. 



Author: jerdonlp

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