Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

The Importance of Retention Ponds

Growing communities need to divert water from rainstorms. With recent historic floods from Hurricane Harvey and Tropical Storm Imelda, protecting developments from water damage is crucial for Houston and surrounding areas. Basins, also known as retention ponds, collect water and release it slowly to prevent flooding and erosion. 

The Difference Between Detention and Retention Ponds

Technically, there are two types of basins used for water collection. Detention ponds remain dry between stores while retention ponds hold a permanent pool of water. While a retention pond looks like your average pond, it is crucial in controlling stormwater runoff. 

Improved Stormwater Collection

Retention ponds receive water from a system of underground pipes connected to storm drains. The pond then uses natural processes to remove pollutants and improve the quality of water. If the pond were to overflow, the outlet lets out small amounts of water as needed. This keeps nearby areas from flooding and maintains the desired water level within the pond.

Creates New Habitats

The retention of water allows new life to flourish. One might find new vegetation, organisms and insects. A retention pond gives nature a place to thrive as it’s surrounded by housing and commercial developments. 

Endless Recreational Purposes

Retention ponds can be the perfect place to fish or swim on a long hot day. They also become aesthetically pleasing to look at, providing a place to relax. Remember, standing water can potentially be a drowning hazard. Always provide supervision when children are swimming or playing near a retention pond. 

Areas with asphalt or concrete development need a retention pond to slow and store stormwater runoff. To learn more about how we construct retention ponds, contact us.

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BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.