13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109


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  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Construction, Fountains, General Construction, Uncategorized

Cities and municipalities often install water features in public spaces, specifically in places where people like to gather. Fountains can serve many purposes in these spaces. Installing a fountain provides an aesthetic anchor in parks, town squares and other popular areas; however, water features can also contribute to a cooler, quieter environment. 


Water features give passerby an animated subject to admire. With flowing water, the movement and sound catch the attention of visitors and encourage them to relax in close proximity to the fountain. Fountains are often found uses to draw people in, which is why they can usually be found at entrances to parks, hotels and in the center of crowded public spaces.

Noise Mitigation

Installing a fountain can also drown bothersome noises. Flowing and bubbling water masks nearby sounds like traffic and construction. Because the sound of water provides a sense of tranquility, people will gather nearby to escape reality.

Lower Temperature

Fountains, placed in the right environment, can provide relief from heat. Cities and commercial developments install water features in places where people enjoy time outdoors. This is also why fountains are found in and around tourist destinations. If the water is running, it mixes with the air to encourage evaporation, providing a cooling effect. 

young girl playing in the water on a splash padEncourage Activity

Sometimes a fountain can encourage activity. If placed in an area where people like to eat or relax outdoors, the fountain creates an enjoyable community space. But, there are other types of water features designed with physical activity in mind. Cities often provide splash pads in high-traffic areas for children. 

Conservative Designs

Fountains can be designed with conservation in mind. There are also things those responsible for a fountain can do to limit water waste. For example, cities can place timers on the fountain that turn it off late at night. They can also be mindful of the local weather. If a city is experiencing a drought, they should turn off all unnecessary water features to conserve water.

At Jerdon, we’re experts at installing multi-functional fountains. We help our clients install aesthetic pieces with water conservation in mind. For more information, contact us.

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BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

Author: jerdonlp

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