13403 Redfish Lane
825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109

5 E's of Constructing Effective Client Communication

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5 E’s of Constructing Effective Client Communication

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Communication, Construction, General Construction


Interior and spatial designers plan and organise the design of commercial and domestic interiors. Projects may take place in a range of settings, including:

  • office spaces and industrial premises;
  • retail locations, such as shops, cafés, forecourts;
  • leisure spaces, such as hotels, cinema foyers, holiday complexes;
  • residential developments;
  • domestic properties;
  • ships and aircraft;
  • public buildings, e.g. museums and civic buildings.


As the general contractor, we first create the highest level of trust and integrity with our clients.


Every construction is unique in scope, but process is systemically applied to each construction project.

We seek to get involved early in the design phase so that we can manage the project more efficiently, provide effective building solutions, and identify challenges early on to mitigate design changes after construction commencement.

This involves detailed pre-construction planning crucial to successful construction and on-time delivery, and allows the client and team a clear pathway to the bidding process, construction phase, and through to completion.

Client communication is essential to success for any business. Construction is no different. Knowing how to communicate with clients can make or break deals for construction firms.

There are five simple steps your business can follow to ensure your client communication sets you apart from your competition.

Establish Credibility

Just like any construction project, your foundation and your client communication needs to be strong. A first meeting should be about establishing trust and credibility. Inform them of some other projects you’ve done and show them your digital portfolio. Convince them of your expertise so they will have faith in your execution of the project.

Everyday Language

Do your best to avoid technical jargon and industry buzzwords. Speak your client’s language. Construction is a very specialized field, but other people probably don’t spend as much time around it as you do. Clarity and simplicity will go a long way.

Expert Interaction

A lot of effective client communication has nothing to do with what you say out loud to clients. There are easy ways to make whoever you’re talking to feel important. If someone is spending their time and money with your company, they want to feel significant. Providing a client with an easy-to-reach single point of contact will help establish a personal connection. Make sure you engage in active listening—repeat what clients have said to you back to them and always keep eye contact. Follow the rules of engagement and figure out what they want and how often they would like to be in touch.

Engaging Technology

Technology is the bridge between what your client wants and what you can give them. Construction is the business of turning dreams into reality, and technology can help with that in the early stages. 3-D representations of projects that don’t yet exist can add a visual aspect to client communication that will make your client feel a step closer to what they’re looking for.

Extreme Transparency

Delays happen. Unexpected costs are a common part of the construction industry. Don’t be afraid to keep your clients in the loop when setbacks occur. Transparency is always the best policy. There is nothing worse than completing a project and then handing your client an invoice that has surprises on it.

The professionals at Jerdon Enterprise, L.P. know that a successful business centers around happy clients. Contact us today to speak to one of our experts about your next construction project!

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

BestBuild says that the better the service is delivered the higher is the skill level of our company. We work for the best quality of services for our clients and our clients appreciate us for that.

Author: jerdonlp

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