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825 W. Bitters Rd., Suite 203
3005 S. Lamar Blvd., D109

How to Maintain a Safe Construction Job Site

How to Maintain a Safe Construction Job Site

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: Bridges, Commercial Building, Fountains, General Construction, Green Building, House Renovation, Laminate Flooring, Metal Roofing, Parks, Roads & Streets, Sidewalks, Waterways & Dams
How to Maintain a Safe Construction Job Site - Jerdon Enterprise

Construction is a demanding industry. With as much physical and technical labor as construction requires, workers are at risk of injury on a daily basis – this risk is heightened when workers are running on a deadline. Therefore, it is crucial that safety managers implement precautionary practices to maintain a safe job site.

Follow these procedures in order to maintain a safe, healthy construction site:


Set Safety Standards and Communicate

For any construction project, there is a baseline for safety requirements, and safety managers should make it a priority to reinforce these regulations. Therefore, safety managers should hold regular meetings to address safety concerns and encourage open dialogue among workers. Verbal reminders or refreshers emphasize the importance of safety practices.


Require New Hires to Take Safety Training Courses

All companies hold new hire training to ensure their employees understand procedure and are capable of doing their jobs. This is no different for the construction industry. Requiring new construction workers to pass safety training courses will ensure that everyone on site knows basic safety practices. Covering topics such as proper equipment usage and safety hazards will decrease risk of injury.


Choose an Attentive Site Supervisor

Every construction site should have a strong supervisor who consistently monitors workers throughout the day. A strong supervisor should keep tabs on every worker and ensure all are practicing caution. In addition, supervisors should be firm and capable of taking disciplinary action if workers do not comply with safety standards.


At Jerdon, we hold our workers at high safety standards. Jerdon implements safety practices to ensure the smooth completion of our projects. Therefore, our trained professionals understand the risks and hazards of construction and practice safe equipment usage at all times.


Jerdon wants to bring your vision to life. Contact us today!

Author: jerdonlp

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