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How to Prepare Your Construction Site for Severe Weather

How to Prepare Your Construction Site for Severe Weather

  • Posted by: jerdonlp
  • Category: General Construction
How To Prepare Your Construction Site For Bad Weather- Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

How To Prepare Your Construction Site For Bad Weather- Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.Property damage within construction sites caused from severe weather events can result in costly damages and project extensions. Although weather is not fully predictable, because hurricane season is near, practiced contingency plans can proactively protect the site and the project’s timeline.

Wind Hazards – Wind damage to construction sites could result in failed masonry walls, framework, form and roof coverings. To eliminate these potential losses, brace building components and properly store and handle loose materials for the windy conditions. Utilizing windbreaks, anchoring roof panels, and following crane guidelines can help ensure all equipment is secured.

Hurricanes – Because hurricanes are typically anticipated, workers can be prepared to act before the storm hits. In advance, install tie-downs, banding material, blocking, anchors, and other protection supplies to prevent relocation by wind, water or theft.

Heavy Rain – Water is one of the leading causes to damage to construction sites. In a case when flooding may occur, be prepared to relocate equipment to higher grounds and install temporary drainage systems if needed. During this time, avoid installing finished product–such as drywall or flooring–until the building is watertight and free of risk.

How To Prepare Your Construction Site For Bad Weather- Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

After the storm passes, it is important to thoroughly evaluate and examine any harm done to the construction site–as structures may have been damaged, weakened or compromised. Taking precaution and inspecting the site to its entirely can prevent extreme caution to workers when returning to work.

At Jerdon Enterprise, our highly-trained and skilled workers practice the keys to a safe construction site during severe weather events: preparation, communication, and organization. With over 30 years of experience within the construction industry, Jerdon strives to provide our clients with top-notch construction quality on time and on budget–no matter what Mother Nature may have in store. Contact us today!

Author: jerdonlp

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