Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.

How & Why to Upgrade Your Local Park

For 34 years, Jerdon Enterprise has specialized in the design, creation, and execution of facilities and outdoor environments utilized and enjoyed by the public. The experts at Jerdon have provided innovative upgrades to numerous parks around the Houston area–including Huckleberry Park and Sugar Land Memorial Park.

Parks and other public recreational outlets serve three essential purposes in the community: health and environmental development, social encouragement, and economic value. With these three values in mind, it is wise to implement the needed upgrades to your local park to withhold its importance for a happy, healthy community.

Parks can be improved through enhanced aesthetic appeal, as well as infrastructure. Aesthetic appeal may include attractive signage, waterfalls and monuments; infrastructure may include improved playgrounds, pavilions and trails. However, projects can be as small as planting new greenery and flowers to boost the space’s look.

Hiring a professional construction company to deliver the desired changes–like Jerdon–is crucial to guarantee quality work. Contact us today to learn more about how our construction experience and services can be of benefit to your local park.